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Scrum Master - Digital Banking

  • Contract: permanent employment
  • Location: Bratislava (occasionally Vienna)
  • Deployment: hybrid regime
  • Salary: 2800 - 4000€/gross

Bratislavský kraj
Scrum, IT Management
od 2800€

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

You are a Maestro, creating masterpieces by guiding a group of individuals to create something no-one could have created alone. As a Scrum Master, you are a servant as much as you are a saviour, creating successful teams with strong skills in self-organisation and a drive for continuous improvement. You are a facilitator and coach, a conflict navigator and mentor, a teacher and quite possibly, a tap-dancer. But you also take responsibility seriously, especially supporting a Product Owner with respect to refining and maintaining the product backlog.

Join us in our agile environment and make banking simple, intelligent and personal again!

We like you because

  • You are starting your day with an open and curious mind, but ready for a challenge
  • Of daring to be disruptive and being someone who has thrown the word „failure" out of the window long ago
  • Of your ability to actively listen and cherish a good mood in your team
  • You remember that you’re here to make your team better, and better in all senses
  • Of expressing your values and opinions in fluent English

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

  • We work hard, but in a relaxed, open and friendly environment
  • We provide everything you need to work (e.g., MacBook Pro, mobile device, licenses) and lots of additional benefits
  • We care for your personal well-being and a career development while actively supporting your educational needs
  • We communicate and collaborate with a variety of tools including Slack, Confluence and JIRA
  • We encourage regular conference visits and multiple chances to shine with George
  • We feed you with free coffee, sweets & fruits, and provide table soccer and table tennis so that you don’t sit the whole day
  • New Work is not just another buzz word to us. We proactively adapt to the ever-changing work environment of today
  • Working from home, virtual office, working while riding a bike. What ever and how ever you do your best work to make the team and product shine, is fine by us. 

Predpoklady a zručnosti osobnosti

  • A nicely framed Scrum Master certification and at least 3 years’ experience as a Scrum Master with a software development team that was applying Scrum principles, practices, and theory
  • Experience with cross-functional teams delivering software solutions.
  • Knowledge of best practices that help the team to reach a sprint goal (like retrospective action items, burn-down or burn-up charts)
  • Competences with various Agile and Lean approaches; LeSS and OKRs are a must.
  • Ability to hold effective daily scrums, as well as utilize best practices from paradigms that complement Scrum, like BDD, TDD, DevOps, Pair Programming and Agile Gamification
  • A JIRA master, or at least on your journey to becoming one

O spoločnosti

International technology company.

Mám záujem o pozíciu

Zadajte vaše meno.
Zadajte vaše priezvisko
Zadajte e-mail v správnom formáte.
Zadajte platné telefonné čislo.
Priložte životopis.
Súhlas je potrebný.

Týmto udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním mojich osobných údajov uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, osobných údajov získaných z kontaktného formulára na webstránke spoločnosti a osobných údajov získaných pri pohovore v spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. podľa Z. č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov (ďalej len „Z.č. 18/2018 Z. z.“) spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. na účely sprostredkovania zamestnania. Súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať, inak súhlas zanikne po uplynutí 3 rokov odo dňa jeho udelenia a údaje budú anonymizované a ďalej využívané výlučne na štatistické účely. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v § 59 a nasl. zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. Týmto prehlasujem, že podmienkam spracovania mojich osobných údajov som plne porozumel a súhlas udeľujem vedome, dobrovoľne a bez výhrad.

Súhlas je potrebný.
Grain – Jessica Miklovičová
Jessica Miklovičová
IT Recruitment Consultant