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C++ Software Engineer for Meteorological Information Systems

Our client is one of the key providers of complex meteorological systems deployed at weather services, airports, military bases and private companies. This company currently has 99 customers and users in around 80 countries all around the globe on all the continents including Antarctica.

Bratislavský kraj, Hybrid
from 2000€

Arbeitsinhalt, Befugnisse und Verantwortlichkeiten

Our client uses C++ and Python to write most of their software but they also have projects in Java, Java Script and Action Script. Bash shell scripts are used to a limited degree as well as other tools like XSLT for specific use cases. They are open to whatever platforms and technologies that will make them more efficient. They use plenty of helper systems to make their work easier: version control systems (Git), automated cross compiled builds, continuous integration (Atlassian Bamboo), issue tracking (JIRA), Wiki (Confluence) and others.

Zusätzliche Leistungen, Vorteile

- Working on projects and products in a unique field – meteorology
- Almost 100% of their development is apply in real business by their customers
- Working in a financially stable company doing international business
- Monthly salary bonus, Annual salary bonus, Loyalty salary bonus
- Home-office few days per week
- Multisport Card
- Referral bonus from 1000 to 2000 €

Voraussetzungen und Persönlichkeitskompetenz

- C++ on advanced level (standard library, Boost, templates, exceptions). Knowledge of Python is an advantage. If you are a really good programmer who does not use C++ you can still apply for the job if you are willing to learn C++ on a very good level
- Experience with software development in a team on a real project for a company, organization, open source project or hobby project
- Open mind and willingness to learn new areas and technologies because meteorology is quite different
- We are looking for people interested in long term employment only
- English language on at least intermediate level

Candidate advantages:
- Understanding time/space complexity of algorithms
- An idea of real world problems with CPU/memory/network
- Creativity in devising new algorithms
- Creating GUI with Qt
- Basic knowledge of analytical geometry and numerical computations
- Willingness to travel to foreign countries

Über die Firma

Company's products are used by meteorological offices around the world. Software products that they develop are complex meteorological systems deployed at meteorological offices, airports, military bases and private companies. Users of their software literally come from around the globe: UK, Germany, Brazil, Malaysia, Australia, USA and many more we span all continents (yes, including Antarctica).

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