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IT Security Process Analyst

100% remote
IT Analyst
from 2000€

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

  • Analyze current security processes and identify areas for improvement, prioritizing initiatives based on risk assessment and business impact.
  • Identify gaps, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement in security processes.
  • Develop and document new security processes and procedures.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure alignment of security processes with business objectives.
  • Conduct risk assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of security processes.
  • Conduct regular audits and assessments of IT security processes to ensure compliance with established policies and standards.
  • Monitor and report on the effectiveness of security governance processes, recommending adjustments as necessary.
  • Management and oversight of IT services marked as critical and therefore requiring hot standby, high availability and higher service levels.

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

  • Thanks to flexible working hours, you can arrange your day to suit your needs.
  • For new colleagues, we have prepared a comprehensive welcome package.
  • Every employee receives a daily meal allowance of € 8,30.
  • We offer language courses in German and English , along with a diverse range of vocational training opportunities.
  • A 13th and 14th salary is guaranteed for all employees.
  • We contribute to the third pillar of the supplementary pension savings and also provide accident insurance coverage for our employees.
  • We regularly organize events for employees such as Christmas parties, summer celebrations, sports days and more.
  • If you are a sports enthusiast, you will certainly appreciate the Multisport card we offer.

Predpoklady a zručnosti osobnosti

- Analytical and problem-solving abilities
- Communication and Collaboration skills, that will be applied both inside UITS towards business and system owners, and externally towards Company Group Risk function
- Attention to detail
- Adaptability
- Problem-solving abilities
- Adaptability to evolving security threats and technologies.
- Experience with ICT-related risk management and general knowledge of ICT landscape and concepts
- Knowledge of IT security principles, frameworks, and standards (e.g., ISO 27001, NIST Cybersecurity Frameworks)
- Hands-on experience with Business Impact Analyssis (BIA) on ICT-related assets or business processes
- Proficiency in documenting processes
- Risk assessment methodologies and tools
- Knowledge of selected ICT security regulatory requirements and frameworks, such as ISO 27k, DORA, GDPR, HIPAA or similar

Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2) and German - Upper intermediate (B2)

O spoločnosti


Mám záujem o pozíciu

Zadajte vaše meno.
Zadajte vaše priezvisko
Zadajte e-mail v správnom formáte.
Zadajte platné telefonné čislo.
Priložte životopis.
Súhlas je potrebný.

Týmto udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním mojich osobných údajov uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, osobných údajov získaných z kontaktného formulára na webstránke spoločnosti a osobných údajov získaných pri pohovore v spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. podľa Z. č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov (ďalej len „Z.č. 18/2018 Z. z.“) spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. na účely sprostredkovania zamestnania. Súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať, inak súhlas zanikne po uplynutí 3 rokov odo dňa jeho udelenia a údaje budú anonymizované a ďalej využívané výlučne na štatistické účely. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v § 59 a nasl. zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. Týmto prehlasujem, že podmienkam spracovania mojich osobných údajov som plne porozumel a súhlas udeľujem vedome, dobrovoľne a bez výhrad.

Súhlas je potrebný.
Grain – Ján Záhradník
Ján Záhradník
Delivery & Operations Manager