A prestigious recruitment agency with a partnership approach, the highest level of service and the knowledge that people are the greatest asset in the world of technology.
We provide staffing services, IT outsourcing and HR and training services. Our way is high quality service, responsive approach and superior communication. We create partnerships that go beyond one-off projects and bring useful added value.
Our experience in international projects makes us a reliable choice for building and developing successful companies in the IT, telecommunications and financial sectors.
Grain Slovakia s.r.o. was founded in 2009. It is a member of the international Anxo Group GmbH, which has been active for more than 20 years in the field of IT and HR services. It is represented in 7 countries of the CEE region
We solve problems, propose solutions, manage projects. We are trusted advisors and expert consultants. But above all we are a great team!
Hľadáme talentovaného Recruitment Consultanta so skúsenosťami z IT. Ceníme si profesionalitu, čestnosť a integritu.
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